What's In the Kit
Zero Waste Activities 

ZW Kit
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In April, 2000, Eco-Cycle (Boulder County, Colorado) hosted a public Zero Waste Event at the Boulder Public Library. The various elements of this event, many of which can stand alone as Zero Waste "activities" in their own right, are listed below along with the approximate cost (based on Eco-Cycle's experience). Click on any item below for "how-to" information you can use to plan your own Zero Waste event or activity!

Activity Approximate Cost
1. Public Forum/Panel Discussion
(evening event)
Panelists will likely volunteer their time; costs accrue with facility rental, sound system, advertising
2. Video $25 for video alone
3. Contest Minimal (IF you get donated prizes and contest entry forms are made and copied in-house)
4. Guest Speaker $1200 (cost of travel/lodging for guest speaker, plus stipend)
5. Speech $0
6. Event Reception $1500 ($1200 for food/drink for 300 persons plus $300 for rental of plates, glasses, etc.)
7. Event at Recycling
Drop-Off Center
$200 (highly variable cost)
8. School Forum $750, depending on bus and substitute teacher costs
9. Invitation $1500 (printing plus mailing costs for 2400 invitations)
10. Newspaper Ads $5000 (could be much less if fewer/smaller ads are run)
11. Bus Ads $2100 (could be less if fewer types of ads are run on fewer buses)
12. Poster $125 (with artwork from Eco-Cycle)
13. Press Release $0
14. Letters to the Editor $0
15. Op-Ed Article $0
16. Public Service Announcements $0

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