Zero Waste Video
Last modified: March 22, 2019

ZW Kit
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The Kit?
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Zero Waste?


The 28-minute Zero Waste video ("Zero Waste: Idealistic Dream or Realistic Goal?) introduces an audience to Zero Waste concepts via interviews with engaging speakers (conducted by video producer Paul Connett) and real world Zero Waste examples. Ideally, the video is probably best shown as part of an event (see above) that includes a guest speaker or panel discussion, and perhaps a Q and A session. This video is not a Hollywood production, but rather a grassroots effort of Zero Waste activists.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Public Forum/Panel Discussion was organized by EcoCycle as part of an evening that included a pre-event warm-up reception, a showing of the Zero Waste Video, a Guest Speaker, a Public Forum/Panel Discussion, a Zero Waste Idea Contest (pdf) and a post-event dessert reception . The Video showing's place in the larger event is in bold in the following schedule of EcoCycle's event. Remember, offering food and drink-before AND after your event if possible- is key to a well-attended event!

Schedule for Eco-Cycle event
(This event was held on a Friday night-the evening before Earth Day 2000-at the Boulder Public Library auditorium.)

6:30 pm
Doors open (warm-up reception with food and drink); opportunity for guests to enter Zero Waste contest-this was available in lobby throughout event
6:55 pm
Guests are reminded that Zero Waste video will start in five minutes
7:00 pm
Welcome and introduction of event and video; overview of evening
7:05 pm
Showing of Zero Waste Video
7:35 pm
Introduction of Guest Speaker Gary Liss
7:40 pm
Presentation by Gary Liss
8:10 pm
Introduction of Panel members and the Public Forum/Panel Discussion (Panelists were introduced and then each one was given 5 minutes to speak; this was followed by about 20 minutes of Q and A from the audience); reminder to guests to stick around for dessert following the Q and A
8:40 pm
Dessert Reception; opportunity for guests to enter Zero Waste contest

How To Do It

Step 1 (6 weeks before event): Contact video production company to ensure equipment is available to rent for day of showing.
Step 2 (4 weeks before event): Order video from GrassRoots Recycling Network
Step 3 (Week of event): Check in with video production company to confirm that equipment rental and set-up arrangements are confirmed.
Step 4 (Day of event): Set up equipment EARLY and test performance. You may even want to do this step before the day of the event.


  • Make sure it's clear WHO will be setting up and testing the equipment.
  • Ensure that someone who is at the event is knowledgeable enough about the equipment to troubleshoot if there is a problem.
  • If the showing is for a small number of people in a small area, consider a large-screen TV display as opposed to a projected image-but make sure the sound is okay.
  • Introduce the video so that viewers know what to expect afterwards (e.g., question time, speaker, panel discussion, dessert reception).
  • If you have a larger audience, make sure you have a sound system that will suit the room and the crowd; a blaring TV will just distort the sound, which is a little rough.
Co-producers of the Zero Waste Activity Kit

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