The Zero Waste
Event Button!
Last modified: March 23, 2019

ZW Kit
What's In
The Kit?
What is
Zero Waste?

The Flash Button

about 6K
The Gif Button
Plan a Zero Waste Event In Your Community!
about 9k

To help GRRN & Eco-Cycle promote the Zero Waste Activity Kit, you can place a button on your website to let others know about it.

There are two different kinds of buttons you can put on your website to advocate the GRRN Zero Waste Activity Kit! The first button is a Flash style button. The second is an animated GIF.

How To Do It

Flash Button:
Step 1: Download and unzip the graphic.
Step 2: Upload it to your website into the same folder of the page in which the graphic will appear.
Step 3: Copy the below text and paste it into the source text of the document into which you intend to put the flash button.
Step 4: Save your document, test-view it, and upload it to your website!
Step 5: Let us know about your link!

Flash Tips
  • Keep in mind that most servers prefer the flash file (ending in .swf) be in the same folder as the document calling it.
  • The text in the field above is pretty particular, so make sure to copy it exactly or it may not show!

Animated Gif Button:
Step 1: Download and unzip the graphic.
Step 2: Upload it to your website into the same folder of the page in which the graphic will appear, (or according to your own conventions.)
Step 3: Copy the below text and paste it into the source text of the document into which you intend to put the gif button.
Step 4: Save your document, test-view it, and upload it to your website!
Step 5: Let us know about your link!

  • The text in the field above is offered as an example and may be altered to suit the tastes of your site. Please leave the link as shown. If you are new to HTML, just stick the graphic in the same folder as the document that calls it, and copy and paste the above text into the appropriate space in the source text of the document.

Co-producers of the Zero Waste Activity Kit

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