Confirmation Letter
Last modified: March 22, 2019

ZW Kit
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Here is the sample confirmation letter as a word or pdf document.


We are looking forward to having you and your students participate in BEYOND RECYCLING: ZERO WASTE, Eco-Cycle's Earth Day Event 2000.

DATE: April 21, 2000

LOCATION: Boulder Public Library

EVENT TIME: 12:00 - 1:30 pm

BUS PICK-UP TIME: __________________

BUS RETURN TIME: _____________________

The bus will pick your students up in front of the school at the time listed above and return them by approximately 2:00 pm. Eco-Cycle is funding the cost of both the bus and a half-day substitute if you need one to allow you to attend. Arrange for your own substitute as you normally do and we will send a reimbursement to your school immediately after the event. Please call Eco-Cycle (303-444-6634, extension 122) as soon as possible and leave a message telling me whether or not you will need a sub. This will allow me to arrange for the reimbursement.

We are expecting ___________of your students to attend. Please call me ASAP if this number changes.

See you and your group on April 21st!

Cyndra Dietz
School Recycling Program Coordinator

Co-producers of the Zero Waste Activity Kit

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