Garbage is NOT Renewable Energy
Garbage-free Retailers of Renewable Energy and Carbon OffsetsDownload this document as a PDF This list provides a selection of renewable energy certificate (REC) and carbon offset retailers who do not use landfill gas as of September 2007. When purchasing renewable energy certificates (REC) or carbon offsets, be sure to ask your provider about their energy mix. Ask specific questions about what projects are included, how often this changes, and whether your provider supports energy generated from landfill gas or waste incineration. Choose providers that support new projects that would not have happened otherwise and look for providers who are independently verified to ensure your RECs and offsets are not double-counted or resold.
* small percentage farm methane projects GRRN does not endorse specific companies or products. This list will not be maintained, and companies may change their policies in the future. This should not be considered a comprehensive list. |