Zero Waste Network Action Conference - Oakland California - August 28, 2004

Become a Sponsor

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Thanks to our 2009 Conference Sponsors

Thank you, E L Harvey!
EL Harvey & Sons, Inc. - Environmentalists Every Day

Thank you, Insinkerator!   Thank you, CRRA!
insinkerator   California Resource
Recovery Association

  Thank you, Resource Recycling!
Thank you, NRCA! Thank you, GRC!  
  Resource Recycling Northern California
Recycling Association
Global Recycling
Thank you, Urban Ore! Thank you, Green Office Systems! Thank you, HDR, Inc.! Thank you, Product Policy Institute!  
Urban Ore Green Office Systems HDR, Inc. Product Policy Institute  

Thank you, eco-cycle! Thank you, Earth Circle! Thank you, ILSR! Thank you, BioCycle Magazine! Thank you, Sure-Close Foodscrap Collection Container!
eco-cycle Earth Circle
Boston, MA
Institute for
Local Self Reliance
Sure-Close Foodscrap
Collection Container
Thank you, Reuse Alliance! Bob Gedert Thank you, Save That Stuff, Inc.! Thank you, iWasteNot systems! Thank you, Environmental Finance Center!
Reuse Alliance Save That Stuff iWasteNot systems Environmental
Finance Center

Benefits of GRRN Conference Sponsorship

Sponsorship benefits begin when payment is received by GRRN, therefore the earlier you sponsor, the more recognition you receive. Contributions can be made in cash or various in-kind services/products. A portion of the contribution may be tax-deductible. Consult your tax advisor.
Sponsorship benefits may be customized to suit the needs of the donor.  So, just talk to us!

Thanks to our 2009 Conference Sponsors

Thank you, E L Harvey!
EL Harvey & Sons, Inc. - Environmentalists Every Day

Thank you, Insinkerator!   Thank you, CRRA!
insinkerator   California Resource
Recovery Association

  Thank you, Resource Recycling!
Thank you, NRCA! Thank you, GRC!  
  Resource Recycling Northern California
Recycling Association
Global Recycling
Thank you, Urban Ore! Thank you, Green Office Systems! Thank you, HDR, Inc.! Thank you, Product Policy Institute!  
Urban Ore Green Office Systems HDR, Inc. Product Policy Institute  

Thank you, eco-cycle! Thank you, Earth Circle! Thank you, ILSR! Thank you, BioCycle Magazine! Thank you, Sure-Close Foodscrap Collection Container!
eco-cycle Earth Circle
Boston, MA
Institute for
Local Self Reliance
Sure-Close Foodscrap
Collection Container
Thank you, Reuse Alliance! Bob Gedert Thank you, Save That Stuff, Inc.! Thank you, iWasteNot systems! Thank you, Environmental Finance Center!
Reuse Alliance Save That Stuff iWasteNot systems Environmental
Finance Center

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