Campus Zero Waste Home
Resources are a terrible thing to waste.
Last modified: October 09, 2008
GRRN's 'Campus Zero Waste' Project contains links and descriptions originally compiled by
Roger Guttentag
, who writes the Recycling in Cyberspace Column
for the monthly periodical Resource Recycling.


As important community institutions, colleges and universities can serve as effective role models of how large organizations can reduce waste and conserve resources. Colleges and universities provide a training environment on effective recycling and waste reduction practices that can be implemented in other organizational settings. A large number of U.S. and Canadian college and universities have extensive recycling and waste reduction programs, some well over a decade old, and many of these are now examining how they can be transformed into completely sustainable institutions targeting Zero Waste as one of their long range goals.

GRRN wants to help you achieve zero - Zero Waste, that is. The goal of this section of the GRRN website is to help students and other campus community members tap into the wealth of web-accessible information that is available on waste reduction and recycling. In these pages you will find an annotated listing of recycling and waste reduction web resources for colleges and universities, opportunities to take action in waste reduction campaigns, and, finally, a review of useful web resources for creating sustainable or "green" campuses.

Note: the What's Hot areas in red denote what is particularly useful at the links sited.

Also: It would have been very easy to include considerably more links to other excellent sites in this Campus Zero Waste subsite. This is a only starting point. If a site you think is excellent isn't here, you're probably right! Because there are so many sites, we chose a small list that not only reflects the wide variety of resources available but also links admirably to the greater set of available resources on the net. Our links database is growing daily.


Welcome to GRRN's
Campus Zero Waste
Home Page.
Key for right-hand menu:

link to campaigns and opportunities beyond your campus
starting and getting the most out of campus recycling programs
beyond recycling -
prevention and reuse
turn food scraps and yard trimmings into soil-building compost
connect with others and get answers to your questions
the 3Rs and more for sustainability


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