Starting or enhancing a campus-based
recycling program...
University of California @ Davis
With diversion rates over 50% for the last 8 years, UC Davis' R4 Program stands out as it "prepares students to integrate the ideas and practices of waste management with the environmental foundation they receive on Campus." They even have a zero waste coordinator for campus events. This site is well worth your visit.
State University (HSU)
WHAT'S HOT: Resources for Other
Campuses, a 5 step plan for campus waste reduction
has had a campus waste reduction program in place since 1987
and has used that experience to develop a guide called "Recycling
and Beyond: A Model for Campus Communities" that can
be accessed through the link to Resources for Other Campuses.
Some of the information in this guide is outdated or specific
to the U.S. west coast but its overall 5 step plan for creating
a campus waste reduction program is still sound and worth
of Missouri - Green Campus
site provides a short, well-organized overview on how to start
a campus recycling program. It first discusses a four-step
approach for developing a proposed campus recycling program.
This is followed by brief discussions regarding the materials
that can be recycled, their markets and the type of collection
equipment that can be used along with relevant web site citations.
A listing of other information resources that can be consulted
on campus recycling is also provided.
getting the most out of campus recycling programs
are links to examples of well-developed campus recycling programs.
These sites, in general, do a good job of providing descriptions
of what services are provided, the materials that are recovered
and what results have been achieved. The individual site notes
will focus on noteworthy information resources.
of Oregon
WHAT'S HOT: This site has it
of the real strengths of this site is the wealth of detail
provided on how the campus recycling program works through
its sections on program structure, equipment, education and
promotion and marketing. Other recommended sections to consult
would be those that address re"1">ion of construction and
demolition waste, special event waste prevention and how to
conduct environmental and waste audits.
of Minnesota (U of M)
WHAT'S HOT: SMART recycling strategies
is highly recommended for visitors to this site first review
the online description of the SMART (Self Managed Activities
for Recyclables and Trash) system, the operating approach
that underlies the university's recycling program. The premise
of the SMART System is that the individual who generates waste
and recyclable materials is responsible for their management
and that the receiving points for both materials should be
equally convenient. According to the U of M recycling program,
the end result of implementing the SMART system was a significant
increase in the recovery of all recyclable materials.
of Michigan
WHAT'S HOT: moving day trash,
stadium and event recycling, recycling containers
is a lot of information on this site directed at both students
and university staff on how to recycle or minimize waste resulting
from either moving in, out or around the university. Another
distinctive feature of this site is its discussion of recycling
at special events and Michigan Stadium. There is also a useful
visual directory of the types of indoor and outdoor recycling
containers used by the university recycling program.
University Recycling
WHAT'S HOT: Green Products Guide,
special events recycling
University operates one of the largest and oldest campus recycling
programs. Some useful resources at this site include information
on their Intermediate Processing Facility, Special Events
recycling and a recently published online Green Products Guide.
Marymount College
WHAT'S HOT: Check out their program
Want to know how to make your program economically
sensible? Your administrators will sign anything that saves
money and flaunts efficiency.