The following websites provide a point of contact with organizations
that can provide networking and technical support resources
for students and staff that are involved in starting or managing
campus waste reduction programs.
Collegiate Recycling Council (CCRC)
WHAT'S HOT: recycling and waste reduction
purpose of CCRC, a technical council of the California Resource
Recovery Association, is to facilitate information networking
on campus based recycling and waste reduction programs, help
to create new campus programs or enhance existing ones and
promote the incorporation of recycling and waste reduction
topics into academic curricula. The CCRC web site provides
program and contact information including how to subscribe
to CALCRC-L, an e-mail discussion list that focuses on California-based
campus recycling and waste reduction issues.
and University Recycling Council (CURC)
NOTE: Members-only, but check to see if your campus recycling
coordinator belongs
is a network of activists and professionals that are involved
in the development and expansion of campus-based recycling
and waste reduction programs. CURC was formed in 1992 and
became a technical council of the National Recycling Coalition
(NRC) in 1995. The CURC website, which is accessible only
to NRC members, describes the various programs and resources
available through CURC including RECYC-L, an e-mail and web
based discussion list. Some of the issues being addressed
by CURC include campus program benchmarking and maximizing
container recycling through soft drink vending contracts.
Recyclers Coalition (CRA)
mission of CRC, a council of the Carolina Recycling Association,
is to support the development and expansion of campus-based
recycling and waste reduction programs within North and South
Carolina. The CRA/CRC web site provides a brief description
of the organization including membership benefits and member