Example Contest Form
Last modified: March 22, 2019

ZW Kit
What's In
The Kit?
What is
Zero Waste?

Here is the example contest form as a word or pdf document. Note that this example form has an area afterwards where people can comment on your zero waste event. This can be omitted if the contest is a separate event in itself.

An Electric Bike by
U.S. Pro-Drive

[Graphic of Prize here or donor
or donor logo here]

Boulder CO

or An Overnight for Two
at the…

[Graphic of Prize or donor
or donor logo here]

Boulder CO

Sample idea….
Wouldn't it be great if the plastic newspaper and grocery bags were made from the new biodegradable cornstarch "plastic" that we could put in our
backyard compost bins.

Your Zero Waste Idea:__________________________________



Winners will be selected by May 17, 2000.
Entries will be judged by Zero Waste experts from Eco-Cycle.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

April 21st Zero Waste Event Evaluation

What was the most important take-home message for you from attending this event?___________________________________

What did you find impressive or inspirational?_________________________________________

Please comment on today's event overall:______________________________________________

Co-producers of the Zero Waste Activity Kit

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Archive maintained by Laughter On Water