Website News

Last modified: March 23, 2019
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Website Update!
This page contains news about changes on our website. Latest news is to the top. Oldest news is at the bottom. Want us to email you with news about our site? Just subscribe above! Once every two weeks we'll send you what's new on our site!

Dell Release
Dateline: Austin, TX
Thu Jul 18 12:09:55 EDT 2002
Shareholders, environmentalists, workers pressure Dell Computer to match company performance with environmental leadership.

Senate Recycling Bill Rally
Dateline: Austin, TX
Mon Jul 15 10:15:35 EDT 2002
Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, Container Recycling Institute and GrassRoots Recycling Network held a press conference before the Senate Recycling Hearing July 11, 2002. Rallies were held with 25 foot tall inflatable Coke and Pepsi baloon props on July 9, 10, 2002.

GRRN and CRI co-found new website:
Dateline: Athens, GA
Tue Apr 16 14:34:55 EDT 2002
In order to prepare for the NY Times ad CRI and GRRN created a new website: which takes advantage of the unique resources of both GRRN and CRI.

Coke and Pepsi Responsible for "Trashing America," Hurting Taxpayers and Environment
Dateline: New York, NY
Tue Apr 16 14:26:52 EDT 2002
Coke and Pepsi are responsible for a dramatic increase in packaging waste over the last ten years, hurting taxpayers and the environment. Launching a new national campaign with an advertisement on the New York Times 'Op Ed' page today, Container Recycling Institute and GRRN charge Coke and Pepsi with "trashing America." Learn more here.

New GRRN On-Line Store!
Dateline: Athens, GA
Fri Mar 29 18:32:00 EST 2002
Announcing GRRN's new Online Store! We will now be able to accept credit cards through PayPal. We are also offering the new Zero Waste T-shirt on line.

Campus Zero Waste
Dateline: Athens, GA
Thu Mar 28 12:30:21 EST 2002
Announcing our new and improved Campus Zero Waste Subsite! Start or enhance your own Zero Waste program at your University. We'll show you where you can start.

GRRN Statement - Beyond RCRA
Dateline: Athens, GA
Thu Feb 14 10:47:21 EST 2002
GRRN's position on the EPA White Paper 'Beyond RCRA: Prospects For Waste And Materials Management In The Year 2020'. The link leads to the Articles section of our Zero Waste Resources where you may click on the link to the PDF.

Winter Olympics Update
Thu Feb 14 09:51:37 EST 2002
Find out about GRRN's monitoring of the Zero Waste attempts at the 2002 Olympics at Salt Lake from correspondent Gary Liss. You can volunteer to help with the recycling effort in Salt Lake too!

Refillables - Reduce, Reuse, Refill!
Dateline: Athens, GA
Wed Feb 13 12:21:06 EST 2002
The refillables area has changed more than just significantly. Check out the 'Reduce, Reuse, Refill!'
report as prepared by Brenda Platt of ILSR. A downloadable pdf format should follow soon!

A Citizen’s Agenda for Zero Waste
Dateline: Athens, GA
Wed Nov 7 12:33:13 EST 2001
Implement citizen action in your local community
with this citizen's agenda. Get the inside track on fourteen years of Dr. Paul Connett's world-wide experience on how to provide a positive alternative to incinerators and landfills in your backyard.

Pepsi Campaign Prop
Dateline: Washington, DC
Thu Nov 1 12:03:52 EST 2001
See GRRN's 25 foot tall inflatable Pepsi campaign prop!

Pepsi Backtracking on Recycled Content?
Dateline: Athens, GA
Thu Nov 1 12:02:49 EST 2001
Pepsi is beginning to backtrack on its original decision
to eliminate recycled content in its Gatorade line.
Now is the time to nail down an order rescinding its
original decision. More importantly, now is the time to
ask Pepsi why it has absolutely nothing to at least follow
-- if not bypass -- Coca-Cola's commendable decision to use
10% recycled content in ALL their bottles, not just their
small sports drink line. Pepsi must commit to achieving
25% plastic recycled content and 80% collection
within five years. Check out our new pepsi area.

Informal Sticker Poll - Help us decide!
Dateline: Athens, GA
Fri Sep 28 14:04:27 EDT 2001
We're trying to decide on a design for stickers we will use to table at the upcoming Econference 2001. We invite you to help us decide! Choose one of five examples and leave short comments if necessary.

GRRN Community Calendar
Dateline: Athens, GA
Mon Sep 24 13:45:30 EDT 2001
GRRN now has a community calendar! You can submit your organization's Zero Waste, Recycling and Ecological events to let the recycling community know about it.

Kids Recycle!
Dateline: Athens, GA
Fri Sep 21 11:39:17 EDT 2001
Introducing a newly redone version of our Kid's Recycle page! Roger Guttentag, author of the column Recycling in Cyberspace in the monthly periodical Resource Recycling has compiled the most useful and fun resources available today on the web. Check out our new Kid's Recycle!

Tides 9/11 Fund revisted
Dateline: Athens, GA
Fri Sep 21 10:48:53 EDT 2001

I want to thank everyone who participated in the Tides 9/11 fund. They have been able to raise almost a quarter of a million dollars. According to Dan Geiger eGrants:
The 9/11 Fund will support organizations working on:
  • Relief efforts for the working poor affected by the incidents of September 11. Thousands of families affected by this disaster live from paycheck to
    paycheck and they are most unable to absorb the catastrophic loss of a family member or the immediate loss of income as their livelihoods have disappeared.
  • Peace and justice and multicultural alliance building, including efforts that focus on the rebuilding of communities and relationships between people of different ethnic, racial and religious backgrounds, and preventing hate crimes against Arab-Americans and Muslims.
  • Protection of civil liberties and
  • Alternative media organizations that can effectively frame the complex political, social and economic history of this painful crisis.

Tides staff is currently researching organizations to be included in the Tides 9/11 Fund, and they expect to make their first grants next week. We will be pulling down our link to Tides soon, but you can still donate by going here. If you donate through this link, I understand Working Assets will double your donation up to a total donation of one million dollars.


Tides 9/11 Fund
Dateline: Athens, GA
Fri Sep 14 13:32:43 EDT 2001
The non-profit Tides Foundation is our main web donation facilitator. If you can help Tides provide relief for the disasters of September 9, 2001, here's a link to donate to the Tides 9/11 Fund.

Most Popular Recycling Organization on Yahoo!
Dateline: Athens, GA
Wed Sep 12 08:49:45 EDT 2001
As of today, September 12, we just found out we are 'most popular' in Yahoo's directory search for recycling organizations! Check it out! [Note: remember that these things can change in days or weeks later if you view this after today.]

Confront DOW!
Dateline: Athens, GA
Tue Sep 11 14:55:49 EDT 2001
Dow makes an herbicide called 'Confront.' This herbicide doesn't break down easily and is threatening the compost industry as well as our own backyard compost bins. Learn more about it and what you can do to Confront DOW!

Dateline: Athens, GA
Fri Sep 7 11:41:24 EDT 2001
A report on the state of refillable containers and the policies and infrastructure necessary for it to happen in the US has has been made available to us from Brenda Platt of ILSR. Click on the link above to read the report.

Why Recycle?
Dateline: Athens, GA
Fri Aug 31 13:55:25 EDT 2001
We've changed around our recycling resources page and added a number of links in defense of recycling. Some articles and reports are available as pdf's for download.

Input Improves Salt Lake Olympic Recycling Plans
Dateline: Athens, GA
Fri Aug 31 10:51:05 EDT 2001
Along with a press release on improvement in Olympic Recycling Plans, GRRN now has an entire subsite including updates, releases, resolutions and reports concerning this issue -- all available at the link above.

Landfill / Incinerator Tax Credit Threat
Dateline: Athens, GA
Thu Aug 30 16:40:23 EDT 2001
We've added substantially to our Landfill subsite, including an Op-Ed by Doug Koplow in Waste News and a fact sheet outlining the general areas of concern. Check it out at the link above.

Front Page Clean Up
Dateline: Athens, GA
Tue Jul 31 17:14:03 EDT 2001
Prior to major changes, we thought it would be a good idea to clean up the homepage so it looks more cohesive. Check out the new look! Deeper overall structural changes in the site will be happening throughout the remainder of the summer.

How the Waste Industry Really Sees Recycling: As Lost Profit!
Dateline: Athens, GA
Thu Jul 19 12:50:32 EDT 2001
A revolution in waste reduction or a threat to waste commerce? Read what industry pundits have been saying...

Recyclers Call On Salt Lake Olympics To Separate Recycling From Trash Cautions Calling Planned System 'Zero Waste'
Dateline: Atlanta, GA
Thu Jul 19 09:27:12 EDT 2001
Leading recyclers applaud the Salt Lake Olympics Committee (SLOC) for adopting a goal of Zero Waste for the Winter 2002 Games, but caution against using the term to describe the currently planned system...

New E-Scrap Resolution in San Francisco
Dateline: San Francisco, CA
Mon Jul 16 10:35:26 EDT 2001
Resolution Urging the California State Legislature to introduce and support legislation requiring computer and electronics producers to take responsibility for reuse and recycling of their products.

GreenYes archives are being restored
Dateline: Athens, GA
Thu Jul 12 11:00:12 EDT 2001
GreenYes archives are currently being reconstituted! Through web wizardry and a bit of tedious busy work on my part, the missing archives will be available on the web within a week or so. We'll also automate the updating of the search engine so you can find your particular item more easily.

Donations now accepted through
Dateline: Athens, GA
Wed Jun 6 14:54:01 EDT 2001
GRRN is now able to accept donations through, a non-profit resource for raising funds over the internet. is part of the Tides family of organizations committed to positive social change, innovation, and environmental sustainability.

Plastics News Article - Coke in Rearview
Dateline: Athens, GA
Tue Jun 5 12:26:59 EDT 2001
Read this very favorable article about where GRRN has been and where we're headed by Steve Toloken of Plastics News.

GRRN Makes Officer and Staff Changes
Dateline: Blue Mountain, NY
Mon Jun 4 11:33:53 EDT 2001
The GrassRoots Recycling Network elected new Board officers and appointed an Executive Director at its May annual meeting.

Anne Morse was elected President. Morse has worked in local government and on state recycling initiatives in Minnesota for thirteen years. She is the Recycling & Household Hazardous Waste Program Coordinator for Winona County Environmental Services in Winona, MN.

Rick Best stepped down from the President position last month after becoming environmental aide to California Assembly Speaker Pro-Tem Fred Keeley. He remains on GRRN’s Board.

Rick Anthony, a recycling consultant from San Diego, was chosen Vice President & Secretary.

David Wood, Senior Associate at Center on Wisconsin Strategy, Madison, remains Treasurer.

Bill Sheehan was appointed Executive Director. Sheehan, a biologist, co-founded GrassRoots Recycling Network in 1995 and became the organization’s first staff member in 1998.

The GrassRoots Recycling Network (GRRN) is a North American network of waste reduction activists and professionals advocating a new strategy, Zero Waste, for dealing with and ultimately eliminating the vast flow of waste materials generated by human society.

In 2001, GRRN is focusing on three program areas: a Beverage Container Take It Back Campaign; launching a new Electronics Take It Back! Campaign; and Zero Waste Communities and Policies.

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