This page no longer maintained.
- Why
Recycle? back
- Beyond
Recycling: The Future of Zero Waste
Helen Spiegelman, Spring 2003
- Wasting
& Recycling in the U.S. 2000
GrassRoots Recycling Network, 2000
- Zero
Waste, Recycling and Climate Change
GrassRoots Recycling Network, 2000
- Welfare
for Waste: How Federal Taxpayer Subsidies
Waste Resources and Undermine Recycling
GrassRoots Recycling Network, 1999
- Waste
Reduction Record Setters: Program Profiles [off-site]
Institute for Local Self-Reliance, 1999
- How
to Respond to Attacks on Recycling [off-site]
National Recycling Coalition
- Puzzled
about Recycling's Value? Look Beyond the Bin [off-site]
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1998
- Materials:
Industrial Ecology, Material and Energy Flows [off-site]
U.S. Council on Environmental Quality, 1998
- Recycling
Facts [off-site]
Californians Against Waste, 1997
- Too
Good to Throw Away: Recycling's Proven Record [off-site]
Natural Resources Defense Council, 1997
- Environmental
Life-Cycle Comparisons of Recycling,
Landfilling and Incineration [off-site]
Environmental Defense, 1996
- Advantage
Recycle: Assessing the Full Costs and Benefits
of Curbside Recycling [off-site]
Environmental Defense, 1995
- How-To
Resources back
TO WEALTH: [off-site]
Community Development through Reuse and Recycling
From the Institute for Local Self-Reliance website
: "Waste to Wealth was one of ILSR's first programs, and for more
than a quarter-century it has continued to provide timely, objective
analyses of the latest waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and remanufacturing
technologies, practices, and policies."
- Total
Recycling Systems - By Daniel Knapp, Ph.D. & Mary Lou Van Deventer,
Urban Ore
- Good
Reading back
- Magazine
P.A.P.E.R. Project [off-site]
PAPER Project aims to catalyze environmental leadership in the magazine
industry by documenting waste and pollution resulting from current
practices and providing a mandate for change from the reading public.
June 2001
- Energy
To Waste? [off-site]
By Usman Valiente, Solid Waste & Recycling, April/May 2000.
Forget weight -- let's measure materials by their energy and emissions.
- Into
the Mainstream, Out of the Limelight [off-site]
How, Despite Overwhelming Public Support, the Waste Industry Has
Undermined Recycling - by Mike Garfield - Ecology Center (Ann Arbor)
- Who's
Behind The Attack on Recycling? [off-site]by
Neil N. Seldman- Institute for Local Self-Reliance. Reprinted in
Real Goods and Greenpeace Magazine (1996)
- Environmental
Life-Cycle Comparisons [off-site]of
Recycling, Landfilling and Incineration: A Review of Recent Studies
(1996) [pdf]
This peer-reviewed, fully referenced paper from the Annual Review
of Energy and the Environment documents the major environmental
advantages of recycling compared to disposal using landfilling and
- Sorry
State of Plastics Recycling back
- Links
to US State Recycling Organizations back