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Letters from Carrboro TOWN OF CARRBORO
301 WEST MAIN STREET CARRBORO, NC 27510 (919) 942 8541 FAX (919) 968-7737 TDO (919) 968-7717
October 12, 1998 Congressman David Price
Dear Congressman Price: The Carrboro Board of Aldermen at its meeting on September 22, 1998, adopted the attached resolution relating to management of waste from manufactured products and packaging. This Board of Aldermen considers the responsibility to manage waste from manufactured products and packaging represents an unfunded mandate on our citizens. The Board feels that producers should share the responsibility for eliminating this waste by eliminating excess packaging, designing products for durability, reusability and recylability. We would like to request that you introduce legislation to shift the burden of managing discarded products and packaging form local governments to the producers of those products. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Michael R. Nelson Mayor Attachment
TOWN OF CARRBORO NORTH CAROLINA 301 WEST MAIN STREET CARRBORO, NC 27510 (919) 942 8541 FAX (919) 968-7737 TDO (919) 968-7717 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER October 21, 1998 Mr. Ellis Hankins, Director N.C. League of Municipalities P.O. Box 3069 Raleigh, N.C. 27602 Ref: Management of Waste From Manufactured Products and Packaging and Creation Of Zero Waste Plan Dear Mr. Hankins: On September 22, 1998, the Board of Aldermen approved two resolutions aimed at reducing the volume of waste being "landfilled" by the Town of Carroboro. The first resolution identifies the important role of producers in successfully managing the volume of waste from manufactured products and packaging that is dumped into our landfills. The resolution specifically states that "producers should share the responsibilities for eliminating this waste—through eliminating excess packaging, designing products for durability, reusability, and recyclability; using recycled materials; and providing financial support for collection, processing, recycling, and disposal of used materials." The second resolution firmly acknowledges the role of government in eliminating waste and pollution through the creation of a "Zero Waste Plan." This plan establishes criteria needed to eliminate waste so that manufacturers and businesses will produce and sell materials that can be safely recycled or composted. Enclosed are the resolutions adopted by the Board of Aldermen that we ask that the North Carolina League of Municipalities support. The Town of Carrboro requests your support in lobbying for legislation to shift the burden of managing discarded products and packaging from local governments to the producers of those products. Thank you for your consideration and your active support of these resolutions on behalf of the Town of Carrboro and other jurisdictions around the state and nation in making a difference on decisions made by producers. Sincerely, Michael R. Nelson
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