
Gary Liss
Liss & Associates, 4395 Gold Trail Way, Loomis, CA 95650-8929
Tel: 916-652-7850 Fax: 916-652-0485 gary@garyliss.com
North American companies from A-Z highlighted below have provided tremendous
leadership in Zero Waste. These companies have already diverted more than
90% of their wastes. GRRN considers them to be Zero Waste Businesses,
or 'darn close.' These companies have made a conscious commitment to waste
reduction and recycling, and found that they could come remarkably close
to operating without wasting but careful attention to their manufacturing
- Amdahl Corporation,
Santa Clara, California USA - Winner of 1998 NRC Outstanding Corporate
Leadership Award, 90% Waste Diversion since 1990, Reuse & Recycle: Loose
Fill, Polystyrene, Polyurethane Foam, Polyethylene Foam, Polypropylene,
Instapak Packaging Foam, #1 & 2 Plastic Containers, Manufacturing Plastic
Scrap, Office Paper, Cardboard, Wood, Cans, Bottles, Metals, Wire, Circuit
Boards, Building & Demolition Materials, Furniture, CRTs, Fluorescent
Tubes, Tooling, Copier & Laser Printer Tone Cartridges, Reusable Product
Packaging, Used Products, Donate Perishable Food to Second Harvest,
Bulk Pump Dispensers for Condiments, Double Side Copies, Email to Reduce
Paper, Electronics Bulletin Board & Web pages for Online Access to Jobs,
Forms, Benefits & Other Company Info
- Battery Council
International (USA) reported in the June 19, 2000 edition of Waste
News that the average annual recycling rate for the lead in lead-acid
batteries is now 94.6 percent. The lead-acid battery industry has been
recycling its products for more than 70 years, and today operates an
infrastructure of retailers and service providers that collect spent
batteries from customers. The same trucks that deliver new batteries
pick up the spent batteries for delivery to secondary lead smelters.
Consumer, commercial and industrial users turn in spent batteries for
recycling when they buy new batteries. The lead and plastic from spent
batteries is used to produce new batteries. The recovered sulfuric acid
electrolyte also can be used as new product, or neutralized. BCI is
a nonprofit association that conducts education campaigns. BCI has drafted
model recycling laws that have been adopted by 37 states, which prohibit
disposal and require retail collection of spent batteries. contact:
Ronald Pogue, BCI, 401 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611,
312-644-6610, Fax: 312/321-6869, info@batterycouncil.org
or http://www.batterycouncil.org
- Brewers of Ontario, Ontario, Canada - Brewers
of Ontario serves 12 million people and has 6,000 employees. In 1997,
it had US$1.4 billion in sales, 32 breweries in the system, 429 retail
stores and 16,000 licensed locations. The system has a 99% Bottle Takeback
Rate (15-20 times), 97.6% of all packaging is diverted and 80% are refillable
bottles (with a $.10 deposit). In 1998, they reported that their system
provided a reduced cost/bottle ($.01 vs. $.10 for Al and $.12 for 1
way Glass) and reduced disposal costs by 89% (from $1.5 Million to $170,000,
1992-1997). The Brewers invested $75 Million in 1992 in industry-standard
bottles. They recover: Aluminum Cans, PET Containers, Plastic Bags,
Stretch Wrap, Photodegradable Tear-Away Hi-Cone Plastic Rings, Office
Paper, Computer Paper, Corrugated, and Steel (caps). In a survey they
had done in April 1997, they found that 89% of the public want tougher
environmental laws; 74% believe manufacturers and consumers should be
financially responsible for containers (i.e., curbside programs should
not subsidized by taxpayers). In March 1998 exit interviews they found
that their deposit & recycling system was viewed as more valuable than
well-organized stores, polite, friendly staff or convenient days and
times of operation.
- Collins & Aikman, Dalton, Georgia USA - Sent
zero manufacturing waste to landfill in 1998. Implemented waste minimization
programs and energy efficiency programs that over the past four years
(1998) have allowed them to increase production 300%, lower all corporate
waste 80% and use no more energy than what they did four years ago.
(ref. Phil Bailey, 9/11/98, personal communication). contact:
Dobbin Callahan, 800-241-4902x2309, mresearch@aol.com
- Epson, Inc., Hillsboro, Oregon USA - Epson recycles
90% of their materials, then disposes of rest of their waste in a waste-to-energy(WTE)
facility. As the WTE facility has a 10% residue that goes to landfill,
they consider their overall diversion of waste from landfill to be 99%.
They recycle the following materials at their facility: ABS plastic;
Alcohol/Flux waste from manufacturing; Aluminum Cans; Batteries; Blood
borne Pathogen waste; Cardboard OCC; CDs; Circuit board scrap; Computer
scrap; Dry Garbage; GPPS (black trays from printer assembly); HIPS (black,
random and mixed polystyrene; Ink cartridges and toner; Ink sludge from
ink treatment; Ink treatment resin filters; Laminated copper; Lamps
& Ballast; Magazines (manuals); Manufacturing equipment; Metal - (steel,
tin); Metal Special (copper, brass, etc.); Mixed paper (desk side recycling);
Office furniture; Packing material (peanuts); PBT regrind (plastic's
black regrind); Pins on tape; Plastic bags, film, and wraps; Polycarbonate
(heat proof trays); Polycarbonate (multi color parts); Polypropylene
(battery trays, 118 white trays); Polypropylene (ink cartridges); Polystyrene
foam #6; Polystyrene trays; Printer cords and cables; Pure water resin
filters; PVC plastic trays, Mpa tape, IC tubes; Solder dross ; Solder
scrap; Sorted white ledger (print test paper); Used oil and grease from
kitchen; Used oil from compressors and mold machines; Used printers
/ computer / electrical equipment; Wet Garbage; Wood (pallets, scrap)
Yard debris Plastic film. contact: George Lundberg, Environmental
& Safety Engineer, 503-617-5607, george.lundberg@epi.epson.com
- Fetzer Vineyards, Hopland, California USA --
America's seventh largest premium wine producer, located in Hopland,
California. Fetzer has reduced its garbage by 93 percent since establishing
a baseline figure in 1990. Its goal is to achieve zero waste by 2009.
Last year Fetzer recycled over 326 tons of materials. The winery recycles
paper and cardboard, cans, glassware, metals, antifreeze, pallets -
even its wine barrels. They compost 4000 tons of grape pomace each year.
Landscaping is based on zeriscape practices. Even defective corks are
give to a company who makes corkboards and barstops with them. All of
the vineyards Fetzer owns are certified organically grown. contact:
Patrick Healy, Environmental Coordinator: patrick_healy@b-f.com
or www.fetzer.com
- Hewlett-Packard, Roseville, California USA (9,000
employees) is diverting 92-95% of its solid waste; saving almost a million
dollars a year in avoided waste disposal costs ($870,564 in 1998). HP
recycles cardboard, metal, foam, plastic peanuts, low density polyethylene
plastics (LDPE), Instapak, polystyrene plastics, and reuses and recycles
pallets. contact: Bill Coffee, Somers Building Maintenance (HP
contractor), 916-785-7595.
- Interface, Inc., Dalton, Georgia USA - commercial
carpet maker. In 1999, 4 of 16 Interface manufacturing facilities diverted
more than 90% of their waste from landfills. Several others are in the
80% range. Since 1994, Interface has eliminated more than $90 million
in waste. Interface has pioneered, among other things, the 'Evergreen
Lease,' giving the company and its customers economic incentives to
take back old carpets and recycle them, while assuring customers of
clean, attractive carpets. Interface is reexamining its sources of waste
and creating ways to reduce and finally eliminate them. It's redesigning
and rethinking products so that it can deliver more with less. It's
reengineering production processes to reduce resource consumption. If
part of a process or product doesn't add value, it eliminates it. And
that philosophy goes beyond manufacturing. Its aim is zero waste in
every discipline, from accounting to sales to human resources. Interface
also recently introduced its biodegradable carpet tile, the first of
it's kind that replaces petroleum-based nylon with fiber from corn.
Interface has a ReEntry program, that will reclaim existing carpet tile
or broadloom and either recycle, downcycle, or repurpose it. Interface
guarantees that old carpet they collect (theirs or competitors) won't
end up in a landfill. contact: Buddy Hay, Buddy.Hay@interfaceinc.com
or Reva Revis, 312-961-9067, Reva.Revis@interfaceinc.com
- Mad River Brewery, Blue Lake, California USA.
Currently diverts 98% of its garbage from landfills from its 15,000
square foot facility. They produce less than two 90-gallon cans of trash
per week and saved over $35,654 in 1998. They recycle scrap, metals,
glass, and office paper. They compost spent grain & hops. Hops are also
broadcast on pastures. Grain is also made into livestock & poultry feed.
They rebuild and recycle pallets. Construction materials are reused
& salvaged. They store reusables on-site. They take-back 6 pack containers.
They reuse plastic mesh backs from grain shipped in by donating them
to a composter to package compost and to Bolla to make into reusable
shopping bags. Cellulose filter pads and staff food scraps are composted
on site. PET & metal strapping is recycled. Shrink wrap is donated to
Mt. People's Warehouse to recycle. Cardboard boxes are recycled. Bottles,
6 pack containers & cardboard are made of recycled material. Even part
of everyone's job description is to reuse & recycle. contact:
Bob Ornelas, Box 767, Blue Lake, CA 95525, 707-269-0398, arcatacy@tidepool.com.
- Namibian Breweries, Namibia, Africa. The sorghum
brewery in Tsumeb in Southern Africa opened in January 1997 with the
message "good beer, no chemicals, no pollution, more sales and more
jobs." The brewery is a fully integrated biosystem with 40 different
biochemical processes to reuse everything (heat, water, wastes, and
CO2). The brewery produces 7 times more food, fuel & fertilizer, 4 times
as many jobs & 12 more products, compared to conventional beer producers.
Spent grain is used to grow mushrooms. Chickens eat earthworms set loose
in grain. Digester for mushroom, chicken feed & chicken wastes generates
methane gas for steam for fermentation. Alkaline water (normally needs
chemicals to treat) goes into fish ponds (8 different types of fish
sold) & spiruline algae (70% protein helps on child malnutrition). contact:
Mrs. Brigitte Sass or Mr. G. Roux, 264-61-262-915x2122 or Gunter Pauli
at the Zero Emissions Research Initiative (ZERI) of the United Nations
University (gunter_pauli@rocketmail.com
or dellasenta@ias.unu.edu)
- Pillsbury, Minnesota USA. Pillsbury, MN. The
Eden Prairie facility diverts over 96% of waste generated and the Chanhassen
plant diverts over 94%. Pillsbury has adopted a Zero Waste goal. All
the original Pillsbury plants (before recent acquisitions) are reducing
and recycling at or above 90% annually. Overall, Pillsbury's manufacturing
facilities recycled or reused 83% of all manufacturing waste in fiscal
1999. The 83% takes into consideration new acquisitions, which have
decreased the diversion rates for the total, but Pillsbury says that’s
going to be turned around soon. This included enough paper and cardboard
to save 200,000 trees, almost 82 million gallons of water, and more
than 48 million kWh of electricity. Pillsbury increased recycled content
of its folding cartons for dry mixes to approximately 50%. Pillsbury's
distribution centers now use rented or recycled shipping pallets for
the majority of its products.
Pillsbury has adopted a principle in their Environmental
Affairs program to eliminate potentially harmful discharges and emissions
into the air, onto land, and into water. Pillsbury strives to improve
their waste efficiency by 10% each year. They estimate that they save
over $500,000 per year through these efforts at the Eden Prairie and
Chanhassen plants alone. contact: Dottie Shay, Environmental
Health & Safety Manager, 612-474-7444x7576, Dshay@Pillsbury.Com,
- Xerox Corp., Rochester, New York USA - Since
the early 1990s, Xerox adopted Waste-Free Factory environmental performance
goals. The Waste-Free Factory criteria include significant reductions
in waste, emissions, and energy consumption, and increased recycling.
In 1998, worldwide non-hazardous solid waste recycling rates reached
88% and savings amounted to $45 million. In 1998, Xerox set environmental
requirements for its suppliers worldwide, to design products that are
durable and reusable, in factories that make dramatic reductions in
air, water, and solid waste. Xerox is asking all of their facilities
and suppliers to achieve a 90% reduction in all emissions from a 1990
baseline. In 1999, a revision of the Waste-Free Factory criteria will
increase focus on reducing waste generation. contact: Anne Slocum,
or Jack Azar, Jack_Azar@wb.xerox.com,
- Zanker Road Landfill, San Jose, California USA
- Zanker has had an overall diversion rate of more than 90% for the
past five years. Zanker owns and operates three major recycling and
composting facilities in the San Jose area. Currently up to 2,000 tons
per day is received at the Zanker Road Landfill facilities, of all types
of materials. Zanker currently processes and markets yard waste and
compost, wood waste, cardboard, gypsum, concrete, clean and mixed demolition
debris, metal and bulky items. The material produced from the C&D processing
is sold mostly to construction and paving contractors as Class II aggregate
and engineered fill. Wood is sold as biomass fuel and soil amendments.
Metals are separated and sold by categories of tin, #2 unprepared steel,
copper, brass and aluminum. Zanker markets its finished organics products
to over 170 customers and has more demand for its products than it produces.
Copyright 2000 by Gary
Liss & Associates, 4395 Gold Trail Way, Loomis, CA 95650, 916-652-7850,
gary@garyliss.com. All rights reserved.
Permission to reprint for nonprofit purposes with attribution and notification
to GLA is hereby given.