to achieve a sustainable society)
1. Substances
from the Earth’s crust can not systematically increase in the biosphere.
This means that
fossil fuels, metals, and other minerals can not be extracted at
a faster rate than their re-deposit back into the Earth’s crust.
2. Substances
produced by society can not systematically increase in the biosphere.
This means that
substances must not be produced at a faster rate than they can be
broken down in nature. This requires a greatly decreased production
of naturally occurring substances that are systematically accumulating
beyond natural levels, and a phase-out of persistent human-made
substances not found in nature.
3. The
physical basis for the productivity and diversity of nature must
not be systematically deteriorated.
This means that
we cannot harvest or manipulate ecosystems in such a way as to diminish
their productive capacity, or threaten the natural diversity of
life forms (biodiversity). This requires that we critically examine
how we harvest renewable resources, and adjust our consumption and
land-use practices to fall well within the regenerative capacities
of ecosystems.
4. In
order to meet the previous three system conditions, there must be
a fair and efficient use of resources to meet human needs.
This means that
basic human needs must be met with the most resource-efficient methods
possible, including a just resource distribution.
For more information,
visit The Natural Step's Web site: