
[Press Update for the Recycle Congress Campaign, October, 25 2000.]
Back to Recycle Congress Background
GRRN - Lance King
(703) 241-4927 |
is racing toward adjournment without effectively addressing
the need for fundamental improvements in its recycling
program. Indications are that recycling coordinators will
be hired for the House and Senate soon, due in part to
the pressure brought by our campaign.
The Senate also directed the Architect of the Capitol
to develop a new training program and provide an incentive
for staff to participate, both of which are a direct result
of GrassRoots Recycling Network work with the Senate Appropriations
Unfortunately, the Architect of the Capitol is trying
to convince key members of Congress that the recycling
program is working well, despite evidence to the contrary
in the public record and problems captured in the "Congress
caught on tape" video produced for the Recycle Congress
campaign effort by Sustain.
Congress needs to practice real "source separation" to
keep the most valuable kinds of paper and other recyclables
out of landfills and generate much higher levels of revenue.
Please keep the cards and letters going to members of
the House and Senate urging them to adopt a real recycling
and waste prevention program.
And stay tuned to this space. We will continue to press
Congress to adopt real recycling during the "lame duck"
session and in the new Congress in January 2001.