Action Alert July 1, 1999 |
Challenge Congress to Recycle!
Action: Write your member of the U.S. House of Representatives today expressing support for H. Res. 146 by Congressman Sam Farr to require Congress to recycle (applies only to House).
The United States Congress is perhaps the last major institution in America to grapple with setting up an effective recycling program. Congress has more than 20,000 employees, of which 8,000 to 10,000 actually work in Washington. So the waste generated is like that of a small city, except with a higher proportion of paper.
After years of on again, off again recycling collection, a series of news stories in recent months prompted Congressman Sam Farr (D - Carmel) to propose mandatory recycling by the U.S. House of Representatives.
Farr's effort to include the recycling program in the Legislative Appropriations Bill made it to the floor of the House, where it was stripped on procedural grounds when a member claimed it was outside the scope of an appropriations bill to legislate on policy. Not to be deterred, Farr is now building support for a resolution (H. Res. 146) to reinstate the recycling program.
Farr's resolution has 56 co-sponsors. If your member is already a co-sponsor, please send a thank you.
(A separate effort is developing in the Senate, which has its own procedures for handling matters like this. Sending a general letter to the Senate is useful as well, although there is not a bill or resolution number to give you at this time. Stay tuned regarding the Senate.)
House Address: Hon. ___________
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515
List as a "cc:" on the letter Congressman Sam Farr and the GrassRoots Recycling Network. This increases the likelihood of a response.
Please send a copy of your letter to the Lance King, Campaign Organizer, GrassRoots Recycling Network, 5615 N 26th Street, Arlington, VA 22207.
Many members of Congress have Web sites at:
http://www.house.gov/(member name)
Thank you in advance for taking action today!