April 19, 1999 |
Congress to Recycle!
Dear Concerned
Here's a small thing you can do for Earth Day:
Contact your Representative to Congress and ask him or her to endorse
and vote for House Resolution 146. Introduced on Earth Day 1999, this
bill would REQUIRE the House of Representatives to recycle!
Does it upset you that Congress does not apply the same standards
to itself that we expect from the rest of society? Perhaps if Congress
tried recycling they would be more likely to end the billions in welfare
for waste that undermines recycling!
H. Res. 146 was introduced by Rep. Sam Farr (D-CA) and cosponsored
by two Democrats (Doggett - TX, Blumenauer - OR) and three Republicans
(Gilchrest - MD, Porter - IL, Shays - CT).
To CALL your representative:
Dial the Capitol Switchboard - 202-224-3121
To EMAIL or WRITE your representative:
Go to http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Also consider writing a letter to your local
newspaper. Below is the press release issued today by Rep. Sam Farr's
office. The release includes a quote from the GrassRoots Recycling
Network and a reference to the Welfare for Waste report (which can
be downloaded at www.grrn.org ).
Bill Sheehan