National Beverage Producer Responsibility Act of 2002:
- Requires the beverage industry to recover 80% of their beverage
containers sold.
- Won't use taxpayer dollars -- will actually save taxpayers
- Creates jobs.
- Will reduce energy-related pollution that causes acid rain,
smog, and global climate change.
- Reduces litter and the burden on landfills.
Save an Enormous Amount of Energy
- Recycling aluminum saves 65% of the energy required to make
aluminum from virgin materials. In fact, recycling just one aluminum
can saves enough energy to run a television for three hours. [Aluminum
- The energy saved from recycling one glass bottle will operate
a 100-watt light bulb for over an hour.
Take A Penny of Taxpayers Dollars--Will Actually Save Taxpayer Dollars
- Throwaway beverage containers are a burden on taxpayers. When
deposits are required on beverage containers, twice as many containers
are recycled. Disposal, recycling and litter pickup costs go down,
saving taxpayer dollars.
Energy Reduces Energy-Related Air Pollution
- Recycling decreases energy-related emissions by decreasing
the energy needed to make products form virgin materials. When aluminum
cans are recycled, 65% of the pollution is reduced.
- Recycling decreases energy-related emissions of gases that cause
smog, acid rain, and global climate change.
Create Jobs
- Iowa reports that 1,200 additional jobs have been created
through the creation of their bottle bill.
- If every state had a deposit / return system about 100,000
jobs could be created nationwide.
Reduce Litter and Reduce Burden on Landfills
- Seven states reported a reduction of beverage container litter
ranging from 70 to 83 percent after implementing a deposit / return
- Existing beverage container recycling programs reduce landfill
space by 20 million cubic yards a year -- or enough to fill the Rose
Bowl 25 times.
Increase Container Recycling
- In 1999 more than 114,000,000,000 (114 billion) beverage containers
were wasted - landfilled, burned or littered. [Businesses and
Environmentalists Allied for Recycling]
- The 10 deposit states recycle more beverage containers than
the other 40 states together. States with a 5-10 cent deposit recover
78% of the beverage containers they target.
Strong Public Support in Bottle Bill States
- States that have deposit / return systems consistently report
70-80 percent approval for the system, and their populations support
engage more in other forms of recycling.