March 23, 2019
Columbia, Canada
Model Beverage Container
Recycling System
Helen Spiegelman
Society Promoting Environmental Conservation, Vancouver, BC
Phone: 604-731-8464
Updated October 11, 2001
Beverage Container Stewardship Program
The regulation establishes a deposit-refund regime within which BEVERAGE
BRAND-OWNERS are given control over the design and management of the recycling
system while giving GOVERNMENT the role of setting environmental performance
standards, monitoring results, and making corrective changes in the event
the performance standards are not met. The program is part of British
Columbia's Industry Product Stewardship management system for product
and packaging discards. For an overview of Industry Product Stewardship
in BC see: http://www.elp.gov.bc.ca/epd/epdpa/ips/index.html
Beverage Container Stewardship Program Regulation [off-site]
(Waste Management Act)
Government Overview [off-site]
- container recovery
rate of 85% within 2 years
- all beverage containers
must be refillable or recyclable.
Beverage industry: design and operate the program
Brand-owners are responsible for submitting a plan for recycling their
containers which must be approved by the environment Ministry. Brand-owners
may appoint a third party agency to do this on their behalf, which has
been the choice of all beverage brand-owners to date.
The recycling program
for non-alcoholic beverage containers is managed by Encorp Pacific Inc.
The program for wine, spirit, and import beer containers is managed by
the BC Liquor Distribution Branch. The program for domestic beer containers
is managed by Brewers Distributor Ltd.
Thus, since the three
plans were approved, the container recycling programs have been administered
entirely by the three container recycling agencies. The agencies manage
all funds, manage contracts with depots, transporters and processing centres,
and manages promotion / education, research & development and technical
assistance. The agencies are also required to submit annual reports to
the provincial environment ministry which report on deposits charged and
refunds paid and recycling rates.
Government: set
performance measures and provide oversight in the public interest
Public oversight of this industry-operated and industry-funded program
is the responsibility of government. The administration of the regulation
is carried out by ministry staff (1/2 FTE) who monitor the performance
of the program (through annual reports from the container recycling agencies)
and participate on the Beverage Container Management Board.
The Beverage Container
Management Board is an 11 member voluntary board nominated by each stakeholder
group and appointed by the environment minister to represent the full
range of interests and provide advice and recommendations.
The environment minister
receives recommendations from ministry staff, the Beverage Container Management
Board and the public.
All beverages included (except milk, milk substitutes and dietary supplements)
All containers included (including paper, aluminum, glass, paper, steel,
Who pays into the system: All Brand-owners are covered by the regulation
and the program is entirely industry-funded. Some brand-owners choose
to absorb the cost of the program in product prices; others choose to
pass the cost on down the supply chain and to the consumer in the form
of discrete non-refundable 'recycling fees'.
The beverage container recycling programs are funded by 3 sources of revenue:
unredeemed container deposits, revenues from sale of recycled container
materials and industry recycling fees, if required. All funds are managed
by the container recycling agencies.
The minimum deposit/refund
amounts are specified in the regulation. The authorized depots must pay
consumers the full refund (no 'half-back') and all unredeemed deposits
stay in the program to offset program costs. Municipalities or their contractors
must return refundable containers to an authorized depot to receive refunds
(there are no payments to municipalities based on estimates of containers
recycled in curbside or drop-off programs).
The recycling fees
are not established in the regulation. Rather they form part of the non-alcoholic
beverage industry's policies and they are charged by container type and
size to reflect the shortfall between revenues and expenses for managing
each particular container. Other beverage sectors have chosen to include
any required recycling fees within the price of the product, rather than
require retailers to separately disclose this portion of the product price.
The material revenues
are determined by markets. Under the current approved programs, container
materials are marketed by the container recycling agencies and revenues
flow to the agencies, not the depots or processors.
How are the funds spent: The beverage industry's container recycling
agencies have contract agreements with depots, transporters and regional
processors who physically handle the returned containers.
Depot handling
commissions: Authorized bottle depots receive per/container handling
commissions. The rates were established by private sector negotiation
between depots and beverage stewardship agencies or by binding commercial
arbitration if agreement cannot be reached. Commissions are based on the
costs to handle each container size and type. Depots are not required
to sort containers by brand.
The regulation requires retailers to accept returns of up to 24 containers
per day but specifies a process for deregulating retail returns to 6 containers
per person per day and ultimately to zero once an alternative depot-based
collection system has demonstrated that it can provide acceptable consumer
convenience. To date, one municipality has piloted a reduction to the
first de-regulation phase to 6 containers per person per day. However,
a protocol has yet to be approved to relieve retailers of having to accept
British Columbia has had a deposit/return program for soft drink and beer
containers since the Litter Act was introduced in 1970. Over time the
beverage industry introduced a range of products and containers not envisioned
in the Litter Act. In October 1997, in response to local government concerns
about the cost of recycling and disposing of beverage containers, the
province enacted the Beverage Container Stewardship Program Regulation
(1997) which replaced the outdated Litter Act. Aseptic and polycoat containers
were accorded a one-year exemption, beyond the other newly introduced
containers, to October 1999.
Within two years of
program expansion when containers for wine, spirits, water, juice, new-age
beverages were introduced, the following recovery rates were reported:
- non-alcoholic beverages:
75% (this includes the recovery of aseptic/polycoat containers which
had been in the system only three months)
- wine / spirits:
- beer: 95%
The industry-designed
program has also been cost-effective. Encorp Pacific Inc. reported an
operating surplus of $5 million in 2000.