Taken from a flyer about Zero Waste at Cuthbert Amphitheatre.
Thanks to Alex Cuyler for this information.
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SMART Zero Waste in Action
Cuthbert Amphitheater, Eugene, Oregon
Cups to Compost Project, Summer 2000

Call the City of Eugene’s SMART Program To Begin Saving Materials and Resources Today! (541) 682-6830
Recycleable foodware BEST LAID PLANS...
Foodware goes from a consumer product to a piece of garbage in about as long as it takes to satisfy one’s hunger or thirst. Making a wise foodware choice up front can render a totally recyclable discard stream. While more expensive, compostable foodware is readily available in today’s marketplace. All Cuthbert vendors were required to offer biodegradable paper cups for the 2000 season.
Clearly marked containers designed to look different that those used for garbage ensure clean material streams. Individual garbage cans are replaced by recycling kiosks. With the full line of compostable foodware, it may be possible to eliminate the steel garbage can altogether or at least replace it with a very small container.
recycle bags THE MORNING AFTER...
Los Lobos (7/27/00). 1200 concert-goers generated 1.5 cubic yards of compostable cups diverted from the landfill. They are staged for shredding at the Alton Baker Park maintenance yard.
An initial size reduction helps speed the composting process by providing more surface area for beneficial bacteria to begin the degradation process. Bags go directly into the hopper after being inspected for visible contaminants. Entire grinding process takes approximately 5 minutes.
Shredded material READY TO MAKE DIRT...
The original 23 bags are reduced to 4 bags of approximately 20 lbs each. This material will be added to a compost pile at the Riverhouse Compost Education Site, just one mile from the Cuthbert Amphitheater. Commercial compost manufacturers in Eugene will also accept this product in an unground state.
Landfilling is expensive and a dead end for wasted resources. Composting in a controlled system is less expensive, and provides our community with a reusable resource. The Cuthbert “Cups to Compost” Project represents a model that fairs and festivals can follow to reduce trash generation and create environmental sustainability without increasing costs or sacrificing fun.

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