June 4, 2001
Contacts:  Bill Sheehan
(706) 613-7121

GrassRoots Recycling Network
Makes Officer, Staff Changes

Athens, GA - The GrassRoots Recycling Network elected new Board officers and appointed an Executive Director at its May annual meeting.

Anne Morse was elected President. Morse has worked in local government and on state recycling initiatives in Minnesota for thirteen years. She is the Recycling & Household Hazardous Waste Program Coordinator for Winona County Environmental Services in Winona, MN.

Rick Best stepped down from the President position last month after becoming environmental aide to California Assembly Speaker Pro-Tem Fred Keeley. He remains on GRRN’s Board.

Rick Anthony, a recycling consultant from San Diego, was chosen Vice President & Secretary.

David Wood, Senior Associate at Center on Wisconsin Strategy, Madison, remains Treasurer.

Bill Sheehan was appointed Executive Director. Sheehan, a biologist, co-founded GrassRoots Recycling Network in 1995 and became the organization’s first staff member in 1998.

The GrassRoots Recycling Network (GRRN) is a North American network of waste reduction activists and professionals advocating a new strategy, Zero Waste, for dealing with and ultimately eliminating the vast flow of waste materials generated by human society.

In 2001, GRRN is focusing on three program areas: a Beverage Container Take It Back Campaign; launching a new Electronics Take It Back! Campaign; and Zero Waste Communities and Policies.


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