Banner: Exploring Producer Responsibility
last modified: March 22, 2019
Upper Midwest Beverage Container
Take-Back Campaign

The GrassRoots Recycling Network starts 2003 with new resources to explore the possibility of state initiatives that embrace the concepts of producer responsibility for beverage container waste. Our campaign aims to enact effective statewide legislation in both Wisconsin and Minnesota where producers are financially responsible for recovering, for re-use or recycling, 80 percent or more of the beverage containers sold in those states.

After developing a policy to accomplish that objective, we will craft and execute grassroots campaigns to build support for legislation embracing the policy in those states. Like other producer responsibility campaigns, we anticipate broad support - environmentalists, students, local governments, and more.

The first step toward enacting producer responsibility legislation in Wisconsin and Minnesota is to develop an effective policy that will accomplish that objective. The stages of policy development include scoping interviews with key solid waste professionals across the state, a statewide multi-stakeholder roundtable discussion designed to identify the key elements of an effective policy premised on producer responsibility, and continual input and engagement of various stakeholders in policy creation and refinement.

Wisconsin [top]
In Wisconsin, the stages of policy development have included scoping interviews with key solid waste professionals across the state, a statewide multi-stakeholder roundtable discussion designed to identify the key elements of an effective policy premised on producer responsibility, and continual input of various stakeholders in policy creation and refinement through individual meetings. Click on the links below to explore helpful resources that document the Wisconsin process thus far.

Minnesota [top]
In a state where traditional bottle deposit systems have been a recurring political issue, we have approached policy development a little differently. Scoping interviews with key solid waste professionals were followed by an educational forum on beverage producer responsibility. The forum was designed to expose various stakeholders to alternative redemption systems in preparation for participation in the policy development process. Click below to learn more about information shared at the forum.

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