Register Now!GRRN National Zero Waste Action Conference
Learn Globally; Act Locally

San Diego, CA - July 30, 2011
San Diego Urban Corps, near Old Town San Diego

Co-sponsored by: California Resource Recovery Association, Zero Waste International Alliance,
Sierra Club National Zero Waste Team
, CRRA Global Recycling Council,
Zero Waste San Diego, San Diego Urban Corps

7:45 – 8:30 Registration
8:30 – 8:45 Welcome remarks, overview of agenda

  • Rick Anthony, Richard Anthony Associates, GRRN President and Conference Chair
  • Mayor or Councilmember, San Diego, CA (invited)

8:45 – 10:15 Zero Waste Around the World (Rick Anthony, Moderator)

  • Joan Marc Simon, Zero Waste Europe and Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA)
  • Umo Lim, City of Manila, Philippines
  • Rossano Ercolini, Zero Waste Italy
  • Gustavo Abdalla, Zero Waste Brazil Institute
  • Pal Martensson, Zero Waste Sweden
  • Warren Snow, Envision New Zealand and founder of Zero Waste New Zealand Trust
  • Participant Roundtables (15 minutes to discuss presentations and how to apply to own challenges)

10:15 – 10:30 Break
10:45 – 12:15 Essential Elements of Zero Waste (Linda Christopher, Moderator)

  • Zero Waste Brand (Gary Liss, Zero Waste International Alliance Planning Group)
  • Producer Responsibility and product redesign (Robin Schneider, TX Product Stewardship Council)
  • End landfilling and incineration (Monica Wilson, Global Anti-Incinerator Alliance; and Jim Stewart, CA Sierra Club Energy Climate Committee)
  • Building the Infrastructure Beyond Recycling (Ruth Abbe, National Zero Waste Leader, HDR)
  • New Rules, Incentives and Purchasing (Rick Anthony, Richard Anthony Associates)
  • Participant Roundtables (15 minutes to discuss presentations and how to apply to own challenges)

12:15 – 1:00 Lunch 
1:00 – 1:45  Organizing for Zero Waste in Your Community (Rick Anthony, Moderator)

  • Paul Connett, Zero Waste Visionary
  • Anna Carvalho, City of San Diego, CA
  • Portia Sinnott, Zero Waste Brain Trust
  • Lynne Pledger, Solid Waste Director, Clean Water Action, Massachusetts

1:45 – 3:30   Zero Waste in Action (Monica Wilson, Moderator)

  • Zero Waste Plans for Communities (Gary Liss, Gary Liss & Associates)
  • Zero Waste Businesses (Stephanie Barger, Earth Resource Foundation)
  • Bans of Plastic Bags and Styrofoam Containers (Bill Hickman - Surfrider Foundation Rise Above Plastics Coordinator)
  • Focusing first on Reduce and Reuse (Mary Lou Van Deventer, Urban Ore)
  • Resource Recovery Parks  (Dan Knapp, Urban Ore)
  • Participant Roundtables (15 minutes to discuss presentations and how to apply to own challenges)

3:30 – 3:45 Break

3:45 - 5:15 Tools for Moving to Zero Waste (Gary Liss, Moderator)

  • Zero Waste Communities (Ann Schneider, CA Sierra Club Zero Waste Committee)
  • Stop Trashing the Climate and Compostable Organics out of Landfills - (Linda Christopher, GRRN)
  • Tools for Zero Waste & Climate Change (John Davis for West Coast Climate Change Initiative)
  • Plastics & Packaging Campaign (Captain Charles Moore, Algalita Marine Research Foundation)
  • Green Jobs (Genevieve Bertone, Santa Monica College and CA Works Alliance, invited)
  • Facility Fighting (Neil Seldman, Institute for Local Self-Reliance)
  • Participant Roundtables (15 minutes to discuss presentations and how to apply to own challenges)

5:15 – 5:30 Closing Remarks  (Rick Anthony, GRRN President)

NOTE:  All speakers provided 10 minutes for presentation. Speakers are not all confirmed as of 7-8-11.  All International Speakers are confirmed.


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