Coca-Cola Campaign
MODEL Letters

May 2000
   Sending a letter to your local newspaper is a great way of attracting attention to the Coca-Cola campaign.   Letters do not need to be long, in fact, short and to the point is best.   The main thing is to do it!

Please e-mail a copy of your letter(s) to Bill Sheehan and be sure to snail mail us a hard copy when it is published.   You can also help by putting information on the campaign or this alert in your organization's newsletter.

Dear Editor,

Coca-Cola Company broke its 1990 promise to use recycled plastic to make soft drink bottles sold in the United States.   As a result, billions of Coke bottles are landfilled or incinerated that could be made into new bottles.   Coke's irresponsible inaction has hurt taxpayer-funded community recycling programs and recycling businesses alike.

Cost-effective technology is available to make new bottles from recycled plastic.   Coke does it in other countries -- why not here?   Consumers should send empty plastic bottles back to Coke with the message:  Take this back and USE IT AGAIN!


(Name, Address & Telephone)

Dear Editor:

The Coca-Cola Company broke its 1990 promise to use recycled plastic to make soft drink bottles sold in the United States.   Coke's irresponsible inaction has hurt taxpayer-funded community recycling programs and recycling businesses alike.

Coca-Cola's stonewalling of public challenges to reduce the waste they indirectly produce scream out for comparison to McDonald's Corporation -- surely a company of comparable public impact to Coca-Cola.

About ten years ago a national grassroots campaign, called the McToxics Campaign, lead McDonald's to find ways to reduce their waste and recycle more, and to educate consumers about the need to do both.   These efforts have now taken on a life of their own.

Isn't Coke missing the boat on this one?   Isn't it in their long-term best interests to position themselves as part of the solution, rather than remain firmly lodged as part of the problem?


(Name, Address & Telephone)


Mr. Douglas Daft
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
One Coca-Cola Plaza
Atlanta, Georgia   30313

Dear Mr. Daft,
Coke broke its promise to make new plastic soda bottles out of recycled plastic.   As a Coke consumer I am writing to protest the waste of bottles.

It's time for Coke to Take 'Em Back and USE 'EM AGAIN!


(Name & Address)

You can also call Coca-Cola's Customer Service number at 1-800-571-2653.

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