back GRASSROOTS RECYCLING NETWORK Retreat - Oct 6-9, 2000 - Group Report Sunday Eve. - Monday Morning ZW Trust Brainstorm Raw Notes from Flip-charts (Gary Liss will Summarize these notes) Pg.1 Outcome: 1. Zero Waste Trust : Yes or No 2. If yes, ID outline how to pursue -keep ideas/ components to write up afterwards by committee-tomorrow-how to move forward Question- How to get 10 model local governments committed to Zero Waste in meaningful way -grants - elected official engaged - Different Needs Rural Urban California Pg.2 Zero Waste Trust Different than GRRN? What? ID Need, Goals If local government focus, GRRN does not want to lead GRRN open to other instate Susan- Get lot of Buy in on board level Local government signs policy committing to zero waste and ID what they'll do Develop model programs Things needing funded come to Zero Waste Trust for money Linda- Creating an intermediary better funders and needs Similar to what MFF does Need clean vision of what role is Pg.3 Once ID needs, need to sell funders Add value to $ by offering tech. Assistance 6 model communities by application, like RMDZ in CA use $ to fund programs, plan use as domino to get other communities potential foundation $ can't give to govt. Robert - leverage small resource, poor local govts. To make ZW commitment GLB - fund activities with $ today Things not currently funded S.R., EPR, waste prevention, contract language change, govt mechanism, Eco parks - state and fed EPA $ Incentives EPR, climate change, market development - direction(?) to foundations Pg.4 [small govt], TA, small grants max. $25k, 6-10 communities, 10-20 businesses & consultants, 10-20 non-profits, 2-3- state govts. To help them get over the humps Ann- Create entity to push people to develop advocacy in Center. -ZW Trust provide data & tech. Assistance tech. Resource people who cover different regions challenge grants to communities Ed - local govt. Need clear mission Need to look at bigger picture Local govt. Businesses Advocates Ann M.- Trust to support projects Way to grow concept of ZW Projects will be good & successful & models for others Bill - local govt. is appropriate focus because they have legal responsibility for waste. Trust could focus on them and on EPR Pg. 5 Tedd - coherence & vision of what ZW is Ability to coordinate national network of activities Local govt is only part of the puzzle Need to demo vision of ZW with practical examples Confusing Issues This Afternoon 1) what is ZW Trust to be about? 2) Relationship to GRRN or not, could have life of own, might be inconsistent with GRRN Bill - makes sense to be separate from GRRN It's not just about $ -- about giving substance to zero waste concept. Pg.6. Linda - need coherent national vision Coy - when thinking of other policy advocacy, don't always mix Can't see Trust coming out of GRRN GRRN is more activist Trust - provide info. , assistance $ to tech. Assistance for organization pushing same issue Warren - ZW NZ Trust only for Not against anyone But brought out Paul Connett & stopped incineration ZW Trust could fund GRRN Grant maker Coy - good guy/ bad guy Warren - we're experts in social change & ZW tech. Assistance Ann - confusion? ZW Trust with Canada & Mexico ZW North America NZ could turn around $ quickly Like it giving grants and tech. Assistance GRC wanted to spread its results around Hate to limit only to 20 communities Emily - GRRN has been rabble rouser Provide tech. assistance Push more progressive agenda than NRC Pg. 7. Confusion is about raising $ to give to local govts. Need Think Tank mechanism Businesses need help to get off the ground Peter Anderson - Trust is misnomer $1.75 billion is comparable need to NZ Trust need paradigm shift need an Amory Loving of waste waste has become as unacceptable as smoking agree with Galy(?) for $ 25k grants get $100 tip fee like Norway Tedd - we see whole picture Could open doors Outreach to design schools for architects Outreach to planners Push the unusual $ to structure existing RMOZ{?} loans can structures more effectively Pg.8. Redirecting existing loans Redirecting existing programs Landfill liability studies - e.g. Alameda Landfill study for safety. Push idea of landfill surplus changes, landfill bans. Simplicity Circles, Counter consumption campaign Train the trainer programs. Fund new agencies or groups that haven't been funded before Pg. 9 Hire economists $ new resources, lawyers - show them how to go forward internal agency or local non-profits for social change Emily -Heard GLB Fund monitoring regulatory agencies how $ are misspent & document data Agency patrolled Entrepreneurial funds - redirect funds to be more targeted Position paper to get more # (e.g. landfill surcharge) Landfill bans Landfill surcharges Ed- general support for concept of Trust Not agreement on what to do & why different then GRRN Do white paper on options Pg. 10 Coy - Consensus Trust could produce positive results Maybe another direction? Or 5 year plan Straw vote Continue researching ideas further for ZW Trust Tomorrow morning Dave - service void - what is no one doing Like separate from GRRN Like gonzo actions & way more Those not here tomorrow, comments on: a) what Trust should look like b) relationship to GRRN c) Forget Trust concept & go another way - e.g. think tank Emily - uncomfortable with Trust Unless to get federal $ Don't think $ exists in foundations Lot of energy here Model like BEAR Think tank for this - that can lay down & map out, in case we decide to proceed What needs to be done to achieve ZW GRRN doesn't have to lead Pg. 11 Peter Anderson - need more than think tank Need someone to promote and popularize Would cost at least $1million Not more $ for more loans Tedd - good to have GRRN & Trust separate Need coherent vision ZW, end subsidies, jobs not waste, precaution principle Push entities in new directions like EPR (e.g. HHW, high costs & no $) Costs of plastics absorbed by local govt. Think tank does have merit, don't know how to fund it Need criteria, targets and outcome What are you leveraging? Way to expand networks to those we don't normally contact Social service agencies who know value of bottle bill Over consumption, bankruptcy & living simply Why so good for so many Administration important, but more a coherent vision Pg. 12 Dave - network with others (e.g. unions) Susan- 1st instinct - astonished @ vision, passion Biting off a lot Projects already focused Intermediary stage? Value Focus on innovative projects that capture imagination & can be replicated Separate from GRRN Ann S. - should be separate from GRRN Think tank - could be tech. resource Could call it another name (trust?) Need research Work media - get GRRN help (& maybe NRC help) Anne M. - should be separate Think tank could provide T. A. or could be GRRN Fact sheets Relevance of local govts. Landfill bans done already a lot ZW will create many materials so we need to help small businesses too on entrepreneurial needs Pg. 13 Need to take ownership of concept Warren - (1) is ZW going to be the next big thing? Does world need ZW? Do we have crisis of resources? Will someone else do it ? (SWANA, haulers) (2) If it is, does it need agency to hold, project vision, & coordinate? Demand for service & resources Beyond demand Question of leadership & saying this is the vision - a designed industrial system Anne M. - Taking ZW agenda OEA includes incineration as part of ZW Want to be there first and claim turf Be clear what it's not Pg. 14 Bill - Peter said we need paradigm shift first See Trust as an organizing campaign to make that shift; Change decision-makers; Group with greatest leverage is local elected officials. They are the ones who can implement $100 tipping fee & help entrepreneurs to out compete polluters Popularizing is what GRRN is good at, not the function of a Trust. Peter - No Max = $350 k Bill - think we could raise $2-3 million for this Pg. 15 Emily - Most cities in CA waited till last minute (outside Bay area) Industry & govt. always say NO alternative Linda - Some in room are not as supportive as local govt. Eric - Don't think GRRN can be think tank Credibility in data analysis & not advocate Think tanks do hard nose analysis Dave - Trust means very different in NZ = nonprofit Bill wants lobbying organization Warren - Grant makers called "trust" for non profits they funnel $ to, as well as used more generically by others. Ann - Action item as GRC ZW Institute formed by Steve Suess Papers in silicon valley about $ to charities & do some research on funding this & hooks{?} Pg. 16 Coy - Separate GRRN & Trust Don't believe GRRN activities match with Trust Harder to raise $ for Trust inside GRRN Really like idea of think tank Could bring level of credibility to issues Whether in or outside ZW Trust - open Not as easy to raise $ for trust from foundations as people think Warren & Coy - talking about angles State and federal $ may be available for trust & think tank or material policy issues Trust - used way to push ZW agenda, different than GRRN Trust/GRRN meet 2X/year to coordinate & compliment Pg. 17 Coy - Need change of attitude Public officials DPW Keep materials out of landfills rather than ID where next landfill should be Will be harder here than NZ Local recycling experts said 25% max locally & now we're asking them to say they made a mistake Different than where NZ was - no recycling goal on books in NZ when started Anne M. - Statewide have confs. Lot didn't but into 25%, though it could be more Don't see locals trying to cover their asses Ann S. - Ca - South CA split On CRRA board some don't agree with ZW Like research and case studies Pg. 18 Eric - Model solar cities in 70's Worth doing Monday Morning - 11 people 1) Trust 2) In GRRN? 3) Think Tank - In GRRN ? In Trust ? Bill - Excited about what NZ is doing How to get ZW with local officials? Q - How to get ZW substance at community level? Peter Montague will broadcast ZW & GRRN can't respond Don' have documents, network to service Eric - certification, training Of ZW leaders GRRN Local govts. Abroad for GAIA Model cities Pg. 20 Ed - How about support for recycling businesses Bill - The ZW movement needs an end of pipe/community focus, and we need to define ZW before it is co-opted. Natural Step - now starting to use "ZW" Only a half dozen govts.: Del Norte, Carrboro, NC - passed a resolution then we were unable to support them. Boulder - took it to the community = great achievement. Warren - NZ Trust When it started, recyclers & city council met but with no clear direction Two people - Stephen Tindall & Warren Snow Business decision - to meet gap First day of brainstorming - many ZW ideas, but then GRRN priorities did NOT emphasize ZW Need other to support ZW Robin Murry set forward recipe for ZW agency Local govts. Had no one to turn to for objective recycling information (only baised waste/recyling companies) Pg. 21 Warren - Fund non profits Local govts. Businesses Schools Priority for $ for those who have adopted a ZW resolution for grants beyond initial $25 K Eric - What should we do Warren - Pay one person to coordinate for developing strategy / tactics And consult on who does this Clearinghouse for information in first year Liaison to all to continue getting input 6 - 8 councils Eric - There's a need for a phone number ZW phone? FTE in GRRN ZW Institute Other? Susan - Short term and long term needs: Montague callers Web site & definition of ZW ZW Institute & local resolutions Pg. 22 Susan (cont) On web site Model resolution Check list to do locally Trust - brain trust in addition to finance Make sure that vision is not dissipated or co-opted Eric - Half FTE @ GRRN - ZW project of GRRN ZW calls Web site Rapid response team Feasibility study Warren - Establishment phase - 9 months feasibility study Business plan Input from stakeholders GBL - Who wants to be at table? ˝ FTE with ZW Institute with Eric who might be able to match dollar/dollar Two things to be careful to divvy up: 1) T.A. 2) Business plan for new organization Good reason for separate organization ID mission for new organization Pg. 23 Ed - Immediate need for local govt. T.A. Local govt initial focus but broader mission Warren - Need good writer and strong resources Person - good connections with foundations and ability to move campaign structure Susan - Coordinator needed, not expert Ed - There's a network Eric - Need quick response team Coy - How to start recycling business calls all the time - did documentation Want in GRRN? Bill - Likes Eric's ZW Institute as well as GRRN to work with community activists Phone calls will be from activists first, not local govts Warren - Phone number & web site are key Pg. 24 Warren - (cont) Web site information for all different sectors Coy - Don't need to give answers tomorrow Gearing up Susan - Will dissipate interest Bill - Key resources needed now ZW briefing kit Del Norte ZW plan GBL - Web site is there Ford - Need check list Del Norte ZW plan - already there, but needs to be condensed or simplified GBL - GRRN - some needed things - 3 ZW Trust Business plan - web site ZW Institute - certifying and training Eric - ZW information center in Boulder would help launch ZW Institute Joint proposal Eco Cycle GRRN Bill - GRRN provides information Eric - ZW Information Center = joint project of GRRN & Eco Cycle Library Warren - Likes Boulder Activist message beyond recycling Information clearinghouse ZW Trust - URL & trade mark or Zero Waste USA Susan - Information Center = beginning of think tank Eric - ZW Institute = think tank & training center & clearinghouse to get professionals out to people Pg. 26 Eric (cont) Ultimately, Information Center more a GRRN project, but helps GLB - ZW Trust feasibility study Get MFF Eric - What's role of Trust? Coy - Holding the vision Warren - Later do funding Trust? Zw USA One year - decide structure Adv. Comm.{?} for Information Center GBL - Information Center - immediate need to calls & to build ZW Institute Information Center fold into ZW institute Pg. 27 GLB (cont) Trust could develop out of Information Center Coy - 3 ideas 1) Information Center - joint GRRN/ Eco Cycle 2) ZW Institute ( Eco Cycle) Think tank Certification and training 3) ZW Trust - longer term Feasibility study / business plan MFF lead Warren - Information Center could be bridge to others - ZWI Coy - Steering committee(s)? Eric - I attached to Information Center and let logical allies to be made Coy - All 3 focus on vision Pg. 28 Warren - Felicia Marcus - met - welcome GLB - Applied to EPA for ZW $ Eric - Steering Committee ID archive funding proposal on ZW GLB - premise of GRRN - information sharing on grant making Coy - Funders talk to each other Don't want to confuse them with varying messages - be coordinated GBL - ZW business case studies from EPA Anne S. - West Coast tax Summit $ for other ZW needs from Silicon Valley Eric - introduce Chet - Global Green Grants GBL - German funding for RR Parks - get more information Pg. 29 Eric - ZW "Center" as name ZW GBL - GRRN to lock up ZW URL's Zw, zw center, zw usa, zw coalition, zw allliance, wastezero,0-waste,………. Coy - Steering committee? GBL - All Here Pg. 30 GBL (cont) ZW Trust - manifesto ideas and notes Bill - giving substance to ZW at a community level as critical now ZW Certification Eric - Not a PhD program Skills from the 40 here Formalize and give structure to information that we have Come to Boulder to be trained Self certify Pg. 31 Certification - Liability issues Credibility of issuing organization Workshop vs. certification program Certification requires "body of knowledge"and associated manual What is the value of certification? SWANA model works because it is regional in job desciptions CA recycling certification programs have folded (lack of perceived value) Also need train the trainers program Multiple instructors/ coherent body of knowledge More than one expert per topic Chet - Sustainable Forestry Biglo accounting firms Certified environmental audits needed Need to service with other environmental groups Pg. 32 Warren - Financial, environmental and social accounts GBL - Socially responsible investors need unbiased source of recycling data Eric - Corporate performance on waste issues as module of certification Warren - ZW gives them permission to be creative in local govts. Eric - Local govt where waste bucks stop ( & dynamics inside in govt.) Coy - Need business developers People in charge? Pg. 33 Coy (cont) Another module Who? Warren - social change Economic development units working with them Eric - RR Parks - whole module Susan - Price Waterhouse Helping in CA & US in paper industry "Sustainable forest" certifications by Price Waterhouse Need modules Public and private Source reduction Recycling content Reuse / repair Pg. 34 Eric - Service voids analysis ZW planning - local Warren - Communication strategies Education in schools Master composter Technical issues Social issues GBL - All aspects of municipal govt., planners, redevelopment, procurement, parks Warren - Social change - 2 of equal value Chet - Climate of social change - R 10 + 10{?} Pg. 35 Chet (cont) - ZW reps to R 10 + 10 GBL - New administration next year As part of ZW Center - strategy for next year Eric - Global Alliance for Incineration Alternatives (GAIA) Follow up - 6 weeks in South Africa Modules - Finance and analysis Landfill / incineration world ZW tools and tactics EPR SR, reuse/ waste prevention Incentives - market dynamics & market development Networks Warren - ZW advisers Pg. 36 Susan - Design - 2-3 days as module Two modules in one week Or two separate 3 day deals with internet Tours in between? Bill - Profesonal development Courses needed after initial training Certify to keep current Certify special ZW education skills Warren - Get ZW certified in NZ & NZ Trust $ NZ Trust - Information Center in NZ for that area Pg. 37 Eric - ZW centers in different locations ZW Institute - 2 campuses NZ - Massey University Boulder Training & Certification to open Zw in your country Pg. 38 Warren - Need Memo of Understanding on development of ZW Institute/Center Eric to draft